Monday, November 9, 2009

Esas no son penas

Showing at the Mar del Plata Film Festival: Esas no son penas, directed by Anahí Hoeneisen and Daniel Andrade

Synopsis from the film's website:

Un día cualquiera cinco mujeres quiteñas, amigas en la adolescencia, deciden volver a verse al cabo de catorce años. Elena está esperando a su segundo hijo, Marina vive los avatares de la infidelidad, Diana, tempranamente viuda, comparte su soledad junto a su hija quinceañera y Tamara no ha abandonado su alocada vida en los clubes, entre chicos y drogas. Esa noche visitarán a Alejandra, consumida por una enfermedad. ESAS NO SON PENAS es un retrato de grupo, en el que cada quien aporta las luces y sombras de su paradójica condición de clase media, en una ciudad enclavada en los Andes. En ese encuentro, fortuito y desacostumbrado, estas mujeres tejerán –en un vaivén entre la culpa y la esperanza, la soledad y la fraternidad- un tapiz de emotividades que estallan en mitad de la aparente rutina de lo cotidiano.

In other words (i.e. English words, from the festival's website):

Esas no son penas recounts a day in the life of five thirty-year-old women who were school friends and haven't seen each other for fourteen years. Elena is expecting her second child. Marina is going through the ups and downs of infidelity. Diana is a widow and shares her loneliness with her teenage daughter. Tamara spends her life between drugs and too brief relationships. That night, the four of them will visit Alejandra, who has been seriously ill.
A film in which each character shows the shadows and lights of their paradoxical middle-class lives. During this unusual encounter, the five women will build, with guilt and desire, loneliness and solidarity, the tapestry of emotions weaved by the apparent monotony of their lives.

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