Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Eat the Kimono

Showing at the Hot Docs Film Festival: Eat the Kimono, directed by Kim Longinotto and Claire Hunt

Synopsis from the Hot Docs website:

Eat The Kimono, made with Claire Hunt for their company Twentieth Century Vixen, is one of many Longinotto films exploring Japanese fringe culture. Kimono follows Hanayagi Genshu, a controversial Japanese feminist, activist, avant-garde performer and dancer, as she tours various cities in Japan. As a dance student, Genshu achieved notoriety when she stabbed her teacher, the owner of a famous dance school, and spent eight months in jail for the attack. After her release, Genshu spent her life defying her conservative culture’s contempt for independence and unconventionality through her riveting performances and lectures. She denounced Emperor Hirohito as a war criminal and dismissed death threats made against her by right-wing groups. “You mustn’t be eaten by the kimono,” says Genshu, making reference to the traditional Japanese dress designed to restrict a woman’s movement. “You must eat the kimono, and gobble it up.” - Shannon Abel

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